Some important details...
- The maximum number of participants in our Melting Point Tango Week
is 50 persons. - After last years’ sucesses we expect our list to fill up rapidly.
So please register as soon as possible!
- To achieve most evenly balanced classes you can only register as a couple. Single persons wishing to participate in the classes can preregister and will be added to our waiting list. When a corresponding person of the other role and the same level applies, both persons will be informed and registration becomes valid. Help yourself in finding a dancing partner for this lovely week by using our partner page.
- Applications and room reservations are valid only by means of the registration form and after receival of your downpayment. The amount of downpayment is CHF 500.- per person.
- Your wishes regarding rooms (single, double, south or mountain side, standard or superior) will be treated in order of downpayments received and by availability. Again: Register soon!
- Please take note of the annulation regulations as specified on the registration form.
- Final definition of participants’ tango class level will take place in Muerren at the week's beginning and is sole .. of the teachers and organisation.
Please fill out the online registration form and
make your downpayment to the one of the accounts mentioned below
Lavable / Heinz Schneebeli and Petra Starmans
c/o Tobelwegli 5, CH-5616 Meisterschwanden, Schweiz
Tel./Fax: +41 56 667 11 46 or +41 1 262 06 55
Postal account
PC 50-433513-5, attn. Lavable - Tango Argentino, 5616 Meisterschwanden, Switzerland
Bank account
Zürcher Kantonalbank
Account nr. 3512-8.768409.1, Petra Starmans, 8038 Zürich, Switzerland
International Clearing: 00700
IBAN-Nr. CH 24 0070 0351 2876 84091